Tag Archives: Vicious Cycle

Truth be Told

There is a cycle of crime, drugs use and sales, gun violence, and prison among our youth. Within our inner cities, some people can name two individuals within their family who have been incarcerated at one point.  The only answer to this problem is to lock them up and throw away the key. That will lead to a world of prisoners. As an alternative I believe that we must educate our youth and give the ones who want more out of life to have an opportunity to succeed. In my new book “100 Years: Truth Be Told” I attempt to educate our youth as well as adults. My goal is to give the warning as I paint the picture and then allow them to make an informed decision. There is always hope. #AnythingIsPossible #100Years #CantAffordToLoseAnotherGeneration #TheFutureOfOurYouth

Chapter XI, Life on the Compound

Good morning family and friends! Kind of crazy to say but I actually grew into a man while in a prison. Looking back, I realized that I lived a very destructive life. I am thankful to be here and in my right state of mind. Chapter XI of “100 Years” goes into detail.